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Home sweet home

This summer I had all the time of the world for me, and for me only… First I went to my grandparent's house where Internet is undiscovered yet, and TV has only 4 programs when there's no wind or storm :) 
I've read books, worked on my tan and floated all day in the sea.

Then I felt the urge for adrenaline, after weeks of meditating… So I went to Bol on the island Brač and started with windsurfing.

I fell in love with that sport, It can be frustrating when you can't stand up, or you start going and then fall down and drink a lot of salt water. And I found out that I HAVE TRICESP, and they hurt a lot. But the feeling when you are going really fast that your hair is becoming dry is unforgettable (surfers are unforgettable too). My new goal is to buy my own equipment…

Now I'm back in the real world… I piled up all my magazines, turned up the radio and opened my laptop, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! 

Is your summer going as you planned it? 

If you don't have any idea what to do, visit island of Korčula for their biggest event - Korčula inspirira, in focus will be jewelry fashion show... this is a great opportunity to mix all kinds of beauties: fashion, sea and food :)


  1. izgleda da si imala zanimljivo ljeto. šteta što ja to ne mogu reći za svoje.. :/
    hvala ti za divan komentar, jako mi se sviđa tvoj blog! <3

  2. What a lovely post. Nice to see you had a great time and you look beautiful in that jumpsuit!
    Flights to Melbourne
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  3. Neat post and love the photos!
    Also, thank you so much for the lovely comment!

  4. ah odlicno, sada vidim zasto se baras megu oni surferima na moi slikicima :)) pa na Brac imalo je mnogu mnogu surferima ja sam se iznenadila, nisam znala da se tamo surfa, al plaza Bol je divna, Jadran je predivan, nosim samo lepe reci za Hrvatska ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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